Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Plenty of running on offer with the Milers over the Christmas Period.

Thursday 25th Christmas trot pre turkey starting at Up Town School 1000. Route will be clockwise (lower half first) so if your late (like I probably will be) you should be able to meet up.

Friday 26th: ABRa’S 10 miler at the Meadows 0900

Saturday 27th: 0600 Al Khawaneej Vets for 15K

Sunday 28th: Islamic New Year 0530 at the Vets for 30K ish

Monday 29th: Milers Monday Night 1900 at Mushrif Park.

Friday 02nd January. 0600 at the vets for 20 -25K ish Please note that it’s a FRIDAY run to allow a team (s) entry for the DRR relay on the Saturday.

Saturday 03rd January Dubai Road Runners Relay Predictor 0830 Creek Park, Teams of 5. Any one up for this??? Please send me an email if your interested details can be found at

Monday 05th January Milers Monday Night 1900 at Mushrif Park.

Friday 09th January: Dubai Creek Striders Creek Classic, a gentle 16K pre marathon.

Happy NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!

Friday, December 19, 2008


The twelve commandments of Champions as per Barry Magee, Bronze medal winner at the Rome olympics and now a coach

1. They never give up.

2. They train 80% solo as they can get the pace right and learn how to fight alone.

3. They know that a race never really starts until half way or further.

4. It is not life or death if they can not train - it is much more serious than that (Love it!)

5. If the can not win, they will try for 2nd or 3rd or whatever.

6. If they lose they will come back next time to fight again and again and again

7. They do not know what they can not do!

8. They do not tell others what they can do - they show them.

9. If they are sick they go straight to bed after training.

10. They train once a day if they are sick or crippled with injury - otherwise at least twice a day.

11. They know they can run 30kms or more anytime because they have done it in training.

12. They always help and encourage lesser mortals because they know that they meet the same people on the way down as on the way up.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


The new milers kit which will soon be available will sport the new Club Badge prepared by our Artistic Director Jim Varley. No more trotting camels for us only a full gallop will do!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


The ABRA's have added a 10 Mile race to the calender to be run on Boxing day 26th December 2008 at the Meadows. Entries can be made via their web site

The DRR 10K race scheduled for the 03rd January has been re scheduled for 13th March 2009.

The Mirdif Miler 10 Mile race will be held at Mushrif Park on the 27th February 2009.

DRR Predictor Pursuit Saturday 13th December 2008, Safa Park 1830 see http://www.dubai-road-runners.com/homepage.html for details.

The MM host the DCS run this Friday 12th December 2008 starting at Khawaneej Vets at 0600. There will be a 0530 start for an additional 5k for those who believe that 32K isn't far enough, as a friend of mine recently said "I still don't get the marathon, it just seems like a distance you pass on the way to somewhere else."

Monday runs will continue to be held in Mushrif Park at least until the end of December when "the committee" will make a decision on whether to return to the republic.

If you don't run with us over the next few weeks a Very Happy Christmas and a Fantastic New Year to you all from the Mirdif Milers


After the DCS 1/2 Marathon the Club Championship placings look like this (remember the lowest number of points taken from you best four performaces wins)


Chris McCann 2 events / 2 points

Dave Jackson 2 events / 5 points

Graham Spriggs 2 events / 6 points

Malcolm Gatenby 2 events / 7 points

Dave Forsythe 2 events / 8 points

Jim Varley 2 events /11 points

Craig Plumb 1 event / 2 points

Chris Homann 1 event / 3 points

Richard Thomas 1 event / 4 points

Martin Scadden 1 event / 7 points

Dominic Pilkington 1 event / 7 points

Chris Little 1 event / 8 points

Gavin Loy 1 event /9 points


Elaine Forsythe 3 events /7 points

Anne Scadden 2 events / 2 points

Melissa Koch 2 events / 7 points

Amelia Varley 1 event / 2 points

Jane Colbeck 1 event / 3 points

On the subject of the club Championship results from the Abu Dhabi 1/2 Marathon and 10K have been disregarded as we only had one entry. The Standard chartered 10K is deleted as a counting race. The Abra's Boxing day 10 mile race is added.


On a perfect day for running the Milers had their largest entry yet, fifteen Milers towed the line, fourteen of us even managed to finish. There were some fantastic performances particuarly from Chris McCann, Malcolm Gatenby & Anne Scadden. Proof if it was needed that Saturday morning runs in Khawaneej make you quicker. Our Illustrious chairman Martin Scadden rounded off a truely awful week by dropping out on the Maktoum Bridge there is apaprently no truth in the rumour that the waft of cooking bacon from the Golf Club was the cause of his early departure from the course. Results were as follows (appologies if I have missed anyone out) All times have been rounded to the nearest minute (malcolm?).

Chris McCann 1st Male 35-40, 5th Overall 1-19
Jim Varley 1-35
Malcolm Gatenby 1-35 PB
Graham Spriggs 1-36 PB in this running life!
Dave Jackson 1-37
Craig Plumb 1-38
Gavin Loy 1-38 PB
Amelia Varley 1-41
Chris Little 1-42 PB
Dominic Pilkington 1-45 PB
Anne Scadden 3rd Female 45-50 1-46
Elaine Forsythe 2-07
Jane Colbeck 2-00
Melissa Koch 2-20