Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Friday 07th December saw the 6th running of the Dubai Creek Striders Half Marathon which formed the first leg of the Mirdif Milers Club Championship. All official finishing times have been age and sex graded to give the equivilant time should the runner have been a 30 year old male. So whilst Mars Martin might have finished in front of the Ice Queen Anne he actually got his arse kicked! I have left Kirol out of the list for now as I have no idea how old he is!

So the age / sex graded times are as follows

1. Ian Gordon 1-19-46

2. Richard Thomas 1-25-43

3. Anne Scadden 1-26-01

4. Bolly Varley 1-26-40

5. Andrew Gregory 1-30-35

6. Jim Varley 1-32-35

7. Dave Jackson 1-32-50

8. Jo Woods 1-36-27

9. Mars Scadden 1-39-11

10. Malcom Gatenby 1-39-28

11. Graham Rafferty 1-40-26

12. Elaine Forsythe 1-42-47

13. Dave Forsythe 1-47-15

14. Colin Foreman 1-47-16

Monday, November 26, 2007



Club sponsor Malcolm Gatenby blasted his way to a PB in the Hong Kong Half Marathon on Sunday. Malcolm came home in 1-45-58 and promptly threw down the gauntlet for the Dubai half on Friday 7th December. Remember the Dubai 1/2 is the first race in the club championship. The winner will be the best aggregate time for the DCS 1/2, DRR 10K & MM 10 Miles age and sex adjusted to a 30 year old male to ensure that all start with a level playing field. Some of you may remember Gillian Caska from when she ran here last year, apparently she was very excited to see Malcolm.......?

Monday, November 19, 2007


Milers were in evidence at the Abu dhabi Striders Half Marathon on Friday even if many of the them were running in DCS kit (splitters!). Leading us home was the chairlady resplendent in stylish non milers top. Special mention goes to Bolly (Amelia) who in true Milers style managed to be late for the start, jumped in at the 2K mark and blistered her way through the field enroute to a PB over the newly recognised distance of 19.1K.

Miler finishers were

Anne Scadden 01:46:32

Dave Jackson 01:47:09

Martin Scadden 01:53:08

Dave Forsythe 01:59:36

Elaine Forsythe 02:15:44

Spotted running for some other club but Milers at heart were

Ian Gordon 01:35:36

Tony McGuire 01:35:53

Colin Foreman 01:46:24

Thursday, November 15, 2007




Seven Milers went to Istanbul and seven returned happy with their performances despite managing to a) travel on two different airlines b) stay in three different hotels c) watch their chairman miss a PB for a Mars bar. Performances of the day must go to Colin Foreman whom smashed his PB by 45 minutes to finish in 3-55-21 and Malcolm Gatenby finishing his first ever marathon in 4-11-51. Others to finish were Chris McCann in a superb 3-05-24, Tony McGuire in a PB of 3-46-40, Dave Jackson in 03-49-22, Martin MARS Scadden in 4-18-30 and Gary Wells in the 15K in 1-12. Once the running was out of the way the beer drinking began! After the success of this inaugural Milers weekend we are now considering our options for both Spring & Autumn 2008... Watch this space. Quote of the weekend FANTASTIC.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Our illustrious chairman Martin Scadden blew the chance to decimate his Marathon PB by stopping for a Mars Bar at around the 37K point of the Istanbul Marathon on Sunday. Suitable comments such as "you git" can be mailed to myself for inclusion in a latter article on this legend of the Dubai Ruuning Scene. Full race report on the BULL will be posted shortly.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


With the cooling breezes of winter being felt what better time to come and join the Milers on our Monday evening runs. We meet at 1900 every Monday at Uptown Primary school Mirdif for somewhere around 10K. There is always someone of your pace in the group. On the last Monday of each month whilst we still meet at the same place we then drive up to Mushrif park for a couple of loops of traffic free running. For the more adventorous we do a longer run most Saturday mornings in the wilds of Al Khaneej where we can guarentee sightings of camels, Goats, Chickens, Sheep and the recently discovered Impala enclosure though the real highlight of this run has to be the visit to the LAFI supermarket, an experience not to be missed!. We also usually offer a shorter 10K run on Saturday mornings. To be included on our mailing list contact Martin on Martin.Scadden@murrob.ae or Dave on djackson@nobledenton-me.com .

Wednesday, October 03, 2007


Time is running out if you wish to join the Milers on their "boys" weekend away in Istanbul which just happens to include a marathon of a 15K run. So far we have Martin Scadden, Dave Jackson, Malcom Gatenby, Chris McCann, Colin Foreman, Tony McGuire & Gary Wells. If any one else wishes to come along their more than welcome, prices are reasonable with Singapore air flying for AED 1300 or Emirates for AED 1700. We leave on Friday 26th October and retun on Monday 29th.
This Saturday the 6th October there will be a 35K from Mirdif leaving Uptown at 0445 but check with Martin or Dave to confirm.

Monday, October 01, 2007


Milers excelled at the Dubai Road Runners 3.1 mile race on Thursday 28th September, picking up 1st Overall, 3rd Male, 2nd MV50, 3rd MV50, 2nd FV45.

Congratulations to
Richard Thomas 1st Overall in 17-04
Chris McCann 17-35 3rd M
Chris Vernon 19-59 (well he has run in our relay teams!) 2ndMV50
Ian Gordon 20-15 (split loyalties but were working on him) 3rd MV50
Gary Wells 21-10
Hugh Archibald 21-30
Keith Thompson 21-39
Malcolm Gatenby 22-32
Anne scadden 22-46 2nd FV45
Martin Scadden 23-58

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


0700 on the 25th of August and I’m sat in Rob Treadwells kitchen drinking coffee and wondering whatever possessed me to think that I could run 87 miles. The race we have entered is the Ridgeway Challenge, 87 miles of trail running along the Ridgeway long distance path said to be Britain’s oldest road which runs South west along the downs from close to Tring in Buckinghamshire to Avebury in Wiltshire.

Ah well the rucksack is packed and the sun is shining lets give it a go. 0945 Rob & I arrive at registration in the car park below Ivinghoe Beacon at the Northern end of the Ridgeway trail, we collect our numbers and walk the mile to the start at the top of the Beacon. We have elected to start at 1000 rather than the 1200 start for faster runners given that Rob hasn’t been able to train as much as he would wish and I’ve been carrying a hip injury for two weeks. For runners starting at 1000 and finishing in under 23 hours there is a time penalty of 50% of the difference between their finishing time and 23 hours i.e if we finish in 22 hours our official time will be 22 hours 30 minutes. Ah well were not going to win anyway and probably won’t finish in under 23 hours. The time penalty is to stop quicker runners from benefiting from an extra 2 hours of daylight.

1000 and the race director shouts go and about 30 of us trundle down the hill for a mile or so, as soon as we reach the bottom everyone starts to walk up the hill in front of us, welcome to long distance ultra running! Rob and I trundle along happily to the first checkpoint which is a distance of about 11.2 miles, the views are glorious, the sun is shining and the birds are singing, though at about 25C it’s a bit warm and the level of liquid in my camelbac is going down fast. We arrive at the 1st checkpoint in 1hour 59 mins, refill our camelbacs and trot on in the lead group running the flats and downhills but walking the ups. The second checkpoint at 17 miles comes up in a elapsed time of 3 hours 14 mins, another quick drink, a Jaffa cake or two and it onwards. The third check point at 23.5 miles is reached in 4 hours 46 mins and Rob & I are leading the field as no one from the 1200 start has passed us yet. By the time we reach the 4th checkpoint at 31.8 miles 6 hours 19 minutes have gone by and I’m starting to feel a little weary, oh well only 55 miles to go! As we run into the checkpoint the lead runner from the 1200 start passes us looking far too fresh! From here we run down a path called Grims Ditch a suitable name for a muddy path littered with tree roots cunningly placed to trip the unwary, once clear of the ditch it’s a 5 mile run beside the Thames to Goring, families are out on their boats or picnicking on the river bank in the evening sun and all I can think about is how much my feet hurt!

At 1910 we arrive at the halfway point at Goring 43.1 miles done, after several cups of tea, pasty and beans and a change of clothes and shoes we set off up the hill in the gathering dark after a 34 minute stop. Navigation is easier now the route being more obvious and we run / walk to the next checkpoint at 52.4 miles, we could see the tent lit up from miles away and it seemed to take ages to get there, but once there at 2146 its more tea, jaffa cakes etc and I have to be pulled out of the chair in which I’m sitting as my back starts to seize up. We’ve now been on our feet for nearly 12 hours and have the prospect of another 11 to go! Onwards we stumble along a rutted trail only walking now by the lights of our head torches, somewhere on this leg we came across a huge black dog which scared the living daylights out of both us until a dismembered voice muttered from the undergrowth that the dog was chained to a tree. The 7th Checkpoint was reached at 0033 or 14 hours 33 minutes since we set off, Rob sat down but daren’t as my back was telling me there was no way I would get upright again, however this stop had excellent egg and Tomato sandwiches and I think we ate the whole supply! 61.5 Miles gone now, only a marathon to go, piece of cake.

It was on the next leg where we came across a Rave in full swing, the drunken / stoned youngsters watched in amazement as Rob and I walked up the lane. “where you going mister and Run forest run” echoed after us, one guy ran full tilt at me from the side of trail so I stopped and he passed in front of me before tripping and head butting the car parked on the far side, result! We reached the 8th checkpoint at 69.4 miles at 0302 , these guys were organized with a campfire and a seemingly endless supply of tea and crisps both of which I was craving by now. I risked sitting here and really regretted in when I was pulled from the chair the next mile was a hobble until I managed to get stood upright again. This section was the low point for me, after a seemingly endless section of road to cross over the M4 we found ourselves on a narrow muddy track which sloped down at an angle of 20 degrees into brambles and stinging nettles so every second step we would slide into the nettles accompanied by a full range of Anglo Saxon curses. The blisters on my feet were now becoming a problem and I really wasn’t a happy bunny. Once away from the nettles and brambles things did not improve as it seemed whatever route I chose I ended up sliding down into puddles and wet muddy feet after 70 odd miles are a pain.

Eventually the dawn chorus could be heard and the sky began to lighten in the East, with the dawn came a new burst of energy which was just as well as we could see the 9th checkpoint at 79.9 miles at the top of the hill but it took us another hour to cover the 3 miles to get there. It was now 0630 and we’d been on the road for 20 hours 30 minutes, everything but everything hurt, but no way was I giving up with a mere seven miles to go. The last seven miles were along a severely rutted track cut to shreds by 4 x 4 vehicles and we stumbled our way along in misery until at last the turning to Avebury and the end came into sight. After 22 hours and 28 minutes Rob & I crossed the finishing line together. Despite the 16 minute penalty we incurred in finishing in under 23 hours from the 1000 start this was good enough for us to finish joint 18th overall, with Rob being 1st V35 and me 3rd V45 (which shows you that ultra runners tend to be ancient!) we were also the first finishers from the 1000 start so we won “our” race! There were 55 starters and 40 finishers.

Sat here one month after the event with feet that have finally recovered I take the following from the experience.

1. Given that I had only run road ultras before it came as a shock to realize how the difficulty of the terrain, mud, rocks, tree roots, wheel ruts, wet grass, ploughed fields etc slowed us down.

2. Immense gratitude to the club runners who manned check points through the night providing food and drink to weary souls, also a huge thank you to Robs partner Jan who was at every checkpoint to cheer us on.

3. 87 miles is a long way but very ordinary people can and do race this distance.

4. The feeling that I NEED to do another seriously long race, perhaps the Grand Union Canal 145 miles from Birmingham to London in 2009?? Rob?

5. Maybe just maybe I’ll give it another go in 2008! Any takers???

Monday, September 24, 2007


Founding Member Pete Larkin ran the Ben Nevis Fell race in his milers vest, sadly no photos but his (brief) report is below.

Weather shyte hence no photos but you be glad to hear that a Miler's vest made it to the top (and back) of this year's Ben Nevis Race. Yours truely completing Saturday's race in 2:36 ... outside the target time of 2:30 (could make excuses such as Weather : Rain - of the West Coast horizontal variety viz <15m above 2000 ft. but what's the point?

Hard race but good craic - needless to say, nobody can touch me in the 'Douglas Bader Impersonation' stakes today !!


Monday, July 30, 2007


The Milers Club Championship is born. The champion will be the best aggregate time for three races, namely
Dubai Creek Striders 1/2 Marathon
Mirdif Milers 10 Miler
Dubai Road Runners 10K
All times will be age and sex graded using the calculator on http://www.marathonguide.com/
1. All entrants must have run a minimum of three Monday night club runs in the republic of Mirdifovia.
2. Possess the official club kit.
3. Email the VC on djackson@nobledenton-me.com of their intention to take part.
4. The VC's word on age & sex grading is Final!
5. If you are only a member of MM's then all three runs must be run in club kit, if you are also a DCS or DRR then the races organised by those clubs should be run in their kit.
A suitable Trophy will no doubt be presented to the winner!

Sunday, July 15, 2007



Having complete five marathons in the UAE in the last seven years the time was right for a bigger goal my fellow comrade in Mirdif told me after some red grape juice one afternoon in the sunny republic at his sons birthday party!!!!!

Comrades Marathon 2007 was scheduled for 17th June which coincided with my 40th Birthday and so the goal was set.

Having looked at the 16 week plan I considered it was doable and so I commenced the regular early morning sessions in Mirdif accompanied by my training partner.

Having run in the marathon in Zurich on April Fools day my plan was coming together and the deadline for entry getting closer in early May. It was then I realised when the flights were booked I was past the point of no return...the ultimate running challenge was on.

Having completed over 1000kms on the road in 4 months along with a brutal 60k run in the high 30s in Dubai I was ready at the end of May for the Taper as the experts say.

I reached the day before the flight and my comrades training partner fell badly sick and was unable to travel so I traveled alone to Durban.

Having relaxed watching cricket, rugby and eating pasta for a day the morning of the race arrived at 130am I joined the other hotel guests who were running for breakfast and then joined then in the mini bus to Pietermariztburg.

With temperatures at the start at 3 or 4 degrees I was glad I had bought my throw away bobble hats and gloves. The cannon went after the cock had crowed and we were off for the eleven hour trot to Durban.

The trick I had been told was to not rush the first 20 k s and walk the up hills and I was only too willing to take this advice.

The atmosphere was great and in particular the encouragement received from all those around you as an international runners was very helpful.

At half way (45 kms) I was very comfortable and although 15 minutes inside the cut off I was confident I could roll down the hills to Durban. When my watch ran out of power with 21 kms to go all I had to do now was ask the time along the way.

The final 10 kms and the finish at the Kingsmeade Cricket Ground was really quite an experience and having finished with a bronze medal in under eleven hours, crossing the line actually just makes you say a want to do it again next year.

The support from family, friends and work colleagues was fantastic and can I just thank all the guys at work in particular Colin Pickering, Malcolm Murphy and Nigel Harvey for there help and support in the lead up to, during and after the event.

Monday, May 14, 2007


The VC ran Halstead Marathon in Essex on Sunday in 3-55-50, thoroughly enjoyable but wet! Appologies for running in a non Milers kit, but two pounds off the entry for entering as a Trotter is too good a deal! There were plenty of hills to test out the Comrades legs, another recommended event run by runners for runners, no FLM hype here!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Not a huge amount going on right now. The local racing season is over and Martin & Dave continue to plod out the miles to be ready for Comrades. Our regular runs continue on Mondays and Saturdays though now the summer has arrived the Saturday run is a 0530 start. The Milers have a table for the Road Runners end of season bash at the Country Club on Thursday the 3rd, contact Martin if you wish to join us. On Monday 07th May its the May social at Elaines after the club run. We have 6 birthdays next week, Carol, Elaine, Amelia, Chris, Jim & Dave! Does this prove that you have to be a Taurean to be a Miler?

Saturday, April 21, 2007


If any of you want to find out what running a Ultra feels like then you are welcome to join Martin & Dave on their epic 60K trek across Dubai next Friday. Were going to start at 0400 from UpTown Mirdif School for a trot (and it will be a trot!) through Mizhar, Al Mulla Plaza, Hamiyah port, Corniche, Shindagha, Trade centre to join up with the DCS run and then continue to who knows where until we reach the magic 60K. Plan is then to retire to the Country club and drink Stella! Feel free to join us for all or part of this epic trek!

Sunday, April 15, 2007


The attached photo was received from founding member "Cuban" Pete Larkin. This is probably the first outing for a MM vest in sub zero conditions... However the photographic evidence does not actually show anyone wearing a MM vest, there again you would have to be completely mental to only be wearing a MM vest in those conditions.
So MM vests have now been sighted in Scotland, Switzerland, South Africa...Where next? Jumeriah???


The VC proving that the MM vest travels well!

Starting in the dark at 0620 on a blustery Capetown day the VC set off determined to run his own race for once and not some misguided attempt to run a time. Hence a leisurely trot was the order of the day. The first two or three K were slow due to the sheer numbers of runners on the road and the first 10K passed in just under 1 hour. By then we were running along the Indian Ocean coast through Kalk Bay & Fish Hoek. Eventually after about 30 K we came to the first hill of any note, Chapmans peak. I was determined to run this all the way and helped by the wind on my back I did. On creasting the top I promptly fell over a cats eye! The run down in to Hout Bay was scenic but the wind was almost as much of a hinderance as the gravity assistance was a help!

After seeing the family at Hout Bay I crossed the marathon point in 4-03 and then the wheels fell off! The long 5K walk to the top of Constantia Nek was hot and torrid, but several cups of coke and a ice cream latter the legs decided to function again and i trotted down the far side to finish in a satisfactory 5-38. All in all I can recommend this run to anyone looking for a manageable Ultra and a holiday in a beautiful place.

Congratulations to Marek (4- 48) Jane (5-09) and Margret (6-38) for their runs and just a note to a certain Mr Murphy, Marek and Jane whilst having complied with the MM membership rules given that they have run in Mirdif on a Monday Night chose to run in DCS Vests but will be opening negotiations for their entry into our ever growing team of relay runners shortly.

Now bring on Comrades! Have It!

Monday, April 02, 2007


Our very own Gnome displays his medal.
Your chairman landed at midday and imeadiately headed off to secure a marathon entry..no need to worry lots of non runners looking to sell thier numbers back to wandering gnomes from mirdovia!!!!!!Job done it was back to the digs for a chinky and staight to bo bos!!
Rest day on sat and there is snow on the ground and time to buy some slinky running tights very fetching...the chairman always was in touch with his feminine side with the next club polos shirts likely to be pink!!!!
The morning of the match arrives and although no snow today its brass monkeys at 530am on the way to catch the train to the start.
Get off the train and the scarily efficient swiss weigh your chairman and then offload his bag into the numbered railway carriages. Stood alone with 5000 other runners proudly dispaying his respendent club vest the chairman picks the 415 pacemaker as a target!!!!!
Ahead of schedule at 10 and 21 k he runs at under 6mins a k untill hitting the wall at 25 to 32 k....untill refuelling with loads of Pepsi at 34 k and then found a new lease of life the belt past loads of stragglers in the last 7 k running at just over 5minutes a k pace for the last 5k.....just like the night he won the xmas handicap..no cramp and loads in the tank as he crossed the line!!!!!!!Weird feeling having crawled over the line in dubai and ad 5 times!!!!!!!!
Great event great atmosphere with loads of support on route very flat course and good temperature for running in the end...suggest a milers field trip next easter????
Your Illustrious Chairman Scadds


Our Illustrious chairman scampered to a PB yesterday in the 2007 Zurich Marathon. His splits are below, we await his detailed report and photo's!
3419. Scadden Martin 1967 UAE-Dubai 4:18.42,0 2:10.22,8 (9658) M40 799. 6.07 ¦ 1:02.05 3665.¦ 1:02.34 3677.¦ 1:05.50 3464.¦ 1:08.11 3120.¦

Congratulations to the two further Dubai runners whom competed, Andrea Manetti ran 3-17-54 (Andrea has run with the Milers so we'll claim him for ourselves!)and the astonishing Antonio Di Somma who ran a 2-57-21 at the age of 53. This I might add age grades Antonio at 88% (that is his performance is 88% when compared to the world record for a athlete of his age) anything over 90% is normally considered a world class time. Yes he is that good.

Thursday, March 29, 2007


Firstly good luck to our Chairman Sir Scads of Mirdifovia in the Zurich marathon on Saturday, Provided he manages to bag a entry. No doubt he will be checking the club funds in the numbered swiss bank account as well.

Aprils Social will be held at Dominics on the 09th April.

There will be a 15Kish Saturday run this week 01st April, meet at 0600 Uptown Primary School. The following two Saturdays both myself and Martin are away so Saturday runs will be dependent on Colin or Tony taking the lead, emails will be sent!

Monday runs will continue as usual meeting 1900 at Uptown Primary school, route to be decided by whoever gets there first!

Sunday, March 25, 2007


The Milers massed at Mushrif on Friday to ensure that Club Honour was upheld. Mirdif Milers A of Chris & Tony set the days fastest time for 3 laps of the park 48 mins 56 seconds. Second fastest were Mirdif Milers B Dave, Keith & Jim 52-46, Mirdif Milers C of Dominic, Malcolm & Chris Vernon were third fastest in 55-09. Mirdif Milers D of Amelia , Carol & Chris Veron (Again, keen this lad) finished in 59-34. Mirdif Milers E of Matthew (Extremely Hungover) Martin & Colin trotted to a 63-16 and last but not least the Mirdif Milers F of Elaine , Dave F & Dean sprinted to a 58-47 finish. Sadly all 6 teams were spectacularly useless at predicting their times and we won NOWT.

So in true Milers style we went to the Irish village to celebrate!


You can run but you can't hide from the long arm of the Milers. Founding member Pete Larkin has been tracked down to his Scotish Lair, the MM vest was dispatched, Once a Miler always a Miler...... THERE IS NO ESCAPE

Sunday, March 18, 2007


Suffering from a Split Personality, unsure which club is for you? Dubai's most forward thinking club has the solution for you, Joint Venture Vests! If you really don't want to offend anyone we can probably arrange the same catching design but with a Road Runners Back panel (this could be the only time you will ever see a road Runners vest in front of a Miler!).

Mirdif Milers the club with a solution for all problems, including the saturday run for those unable to make Fridays at the DCS run. Come run with us at 0600 on a saturday. for a scenic trip through Dubai's mountains. As you can see numbers are rising!